In this lecture Baudewijntje Kreukels will present what we have learned so far from research in older TNB individuals in the context of transgender healthcare with a focus on psychosocial well-being, cognitive functioning and cardiovascular health and will identify knowledge gaps.
Eveline van de Putte will take you on a journey through the life stories of transgender seniors, sharing their paths to happiness, the challenges they have faced, and their concerns about receiving appropriate care in healthcare settings such as senior homes. She will also talk about the experiences of elderly parents of transgender individuals, who, years ago, often struggled to understand what their child was going through.
When: Tuesday April 1st, 17.00 - 18.00 hrs.
Where: Rijksmuseum Boerhaave
Costs: free with a museum ticket, student card or Museumcard
You can register on the website of Boerhaave.