Numerical Recipes in Star Formation

21 - 25 July 2025

Venue: Lorentz Center@omega

If you are invited or already registered for this workshop, you have received login details by email.

The workshop will be focused on ongoing research in star formation theory/simulations, and provide a platform for the community to discuss recent advancements and challenges in numerical techniques. Some key elements of the workshop will be discussions/talks on numerical implementations of radiation hydrodynamics, magnetic fields and turbulence, chemistry, and cosmic rays in cloud-scale to kpc-scale hydrodynamics as well as N-body simulations focused on star cluster formation and stellar feedback. The workshop will facilitate collaborative discussions on caveats and code comparisons, aiming to better understand the role of physics versus numerics in simulations.

Featured components of the workshop include:

  1. Discussions and breakout sessions on focused topics of interest in the community.
  2. Invited talks on lessons learned from exascale code development for cosmological simulations, and developing GPU accelerated simulations in accordance with the evolving HPC landscape.
  3. Flash talks on technical limitations and caveats of current simulations to highlight knowledge gaps.
  4. Development of benchmark tests and design contents of the white paper on numerical recipes in star formation and stellar feedback simulations.
  5. Panel discussions on green and sustainable computing in astronomy.
  6. Sessions focused on computing proposals, and numerical method papers.

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Niels Bohrweg 1 & 2

2333 CA Leiden

The Netherlands

+31 71 527 5400