VIEW: Visual Interactive Effective Worlds

25 - 27 June 2007

Venue: Lorentz Center@Oort

If you are invited or already registered for this workshop, you have received login details by email.

Visualization concerns the interactive synthesis of images and animations in

order to provide insight and experiences. It might seem that the aim of

Sutherland has already been reached.  However, there is a need for more

fundamental insight. 

The recently started NWO program VIEW (Visual Interactive Effective

Worlds), which is part of the I-Science program cluster, challenges the

research community to come up with proposals to shed more light on this.

VIEW asks for generic methods and techniques. New paradigms are requested

that integrate and unify so far unrelated ad hoc methods, that solve open

problems, and open up new application domains.  Solid foundations on theory,

probably from disciplines such as mathematics or psychophysics, are needed,

which are used to derive insights and algorithms that are fruitful for many

applications. Typically, a model based approach is used.  A model serves two

purposes here. It is a compact description that provides insight into a

class of problems, and also it provides a base for the automatic generation

of solutions.

VIEW explicitly asks for effective methods. Specifically, it has to

be shown that the application of new concepts solves real-world problems,

and leads to significant improvements in performance. A variety of measures

can be employed here, such as simply the speed of image generation and the

size of geometric models that can be handled, but also for instance the

quality of the generated experience or the ease with which users can

complete their tasks. Measuring such aspects is a difficult problem on its

own, the development of methodologies for evaluating and comparing the

effectiveness of existing and new methods is needed.

The goal of this workshop is to bring together the participants (PhD

students, postdocs, senior researchers) active in the VIEW project, along

with a small number of experts in the field. The workshop will also be open

to other Dutch researchers and PhD students active in the area. The main

goals of the workshop are to:

* promote transfer of knowledge between foreign experts and Dutch

  visualization and simulation community;

* identify the important approaches of research and potential solutions

  in the area of data visualization and interactive virtual worlds, with a

  particular (but not exclusive) focus on methodologies for evaluating and

  comparing the effectiveness of existing and new methods;

* give the PhD students and postdocs the opportunity to present their

  first results;

* stimulate interaction between the VIEW project partners and foster

  community building;

* contribute to communicating the activities in the VIEW research area

  to the outside (Dutch) world.

There is a registration fee of € 70 euros for PhD/PD and € 120 for staff.

For more information about the VIEW project we refer to

Invited Speakers:

Tamara Munzner (University of British Columbia, Canada)

Daniel Weiskopf (Simon Fraser University, Canada)

Gordon Kindlmann (Harvard Medical School, USA)

Torsten Moeller (Simon Fraser University, Canada)

Bernhard Preim (Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Germany)

Frederic Vexo (EPFL-VR lab, Switzerland)


Frits Post (Technical University of Delft)

Jos Roerdink (University of Groningen)

Jarke van Wijk (Technical University of Eindhoven)


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The Netherlands

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