Universal Themes of Bose-Einstein Condensation

11 - 15 March 2013

Venue: Lorentz Center@Oort

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Description and aim

Bose-Einstein condensation is a phenomenon appearing across different areas of physics. Although initial studies of Bose-Einstein condensation in liquid helium were somewhat elusive, as this effect could not be easily isolated from the relatively strong interactions between the atoms, and in addition to its relevance to the physics of superconductors, in the last 20 years the scientific community has witnessed major explosions in research activity, associated with the controlled experimental generation of pure samples where such effects can be easily monitored.

Most notable such systems are trapped ultracold atomic gases (which led both to the first ‘smoking gun’ of Bose-Einstein condensation and to the establishment of indirect links with the related particle pairing arising in superconductors) and polaritons (combinations of photons and electronic excitations in solids), with condensation also demonstrated for photons, magnons, and tripletons. A key element of the rapid progress made in these fields is the parallel and very closely-knitted progress between theory and experiment. Bose-Einstein condensation is also believed to be central to the mechanism by which elementary particles acquired their mass, and quantum chromodynamics, whereas superfluidity and superconductivity are believed to shape the behaviour of neutron stars.

Given this evident spread across different branches of physics, the aim of this meeting is to bring together eminent authorities and exceptional younger researchers from these different communities. The intention of this meeting is both to review the state of each field and to pose open research problems of common relevance, where cross-fertilization of ideas could facilitate significant progress in our understanding, and possibly even lead to ‘hybrid’ experimental devices.

The first two days of this workshop will be dedicated to the presentation of the `relevant systems’ exhibiting Bose-Einstein condensation by eminent authorities in those fields (including Plenary talks by Nobel Prize winners Wolfgang Ketterle and Tony Leggett), followed by appropriately tailored themed sessions, panel discussions and a ‘hot topics’ session. Thematic topics covered by this workshop include:

Ultracold Trapped Atomic Gases

Superfluids, Superconductors & Permanent Thermodynamic Transitions in Solids

Quasi-Equilibrium Condensates

Nuclear, Particle & Astrophysics

Phase Transitions & Quantum Quenches

Novel Interfaces & Applications

We particularly welcome applications from exceptional younger researchers (advanced PhD or higher level), and intend to allocate up to 10 places with limited bursaries available for such researchers.


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