Transport through Single Molecules

7 - 12 March 2005

Venue: Lorentz Center@Oort

If you are invited or already registered for this workshop, you have received login details by email.

The workshop will focus on electrical transport through single molecules. The subjects of study include synthesis of target molecules, preparation methods, and computational modelling. We will address the following questions: Which are the interesting molecules? How to connect reliably the molecules to the macroscopic world? How to measure the properties of just a single molecule? How to model transport properties theoretically?

We will try to combine two of goals for the meeting: (1) a platform to bring together three projects of the EUROCORES-SONS program, (2) an opportunity for open discussion of directions of research in this new field, and an introduction into the field for PhD students.

The first goal of this workshop is to bring together the consortia SASMEC, NANOSYN, and FUN-SMARTs of the EUROCORES PROGRAMME on Self-Organised NanoStructures (SONS). Getting together and establishing links among the different groups, sharing ideas and methodology, will enhance the particular strengths of each consortium.

This part of the workshop will span 2½ days, with participants arriving Wednesday evening and departing Saturday noon. A keynote talk (1 h) followed by short presentations (10 min+5 min discussion) will fill the mornings. Another keynote talk after lunch will be followed by discussion time and a poster session after dinner. The keynote talks will cover the fundamental aspects of transport through single-molecules: synthesis, experimental approach to preparing and measuring single-molecule transport, and theoretical modelling.

The other objectives of the workshop are to provide a platform for open discussions and exchange of ideas, including especially the young scientist, and learn about the fundamentals. This part is mostly concentrated in the first part of the week. The workshop is planned to allow plenty of time for these informal discussions.

It is advisable to register early. The participation is strictly limited to 60 persons.

There is no registration fee and we have funds available for partial travel and lodging support to a maximum of €350 per participant. This applies to members of the EUROCORES-SONS network and a limited number of external participants.

List of Keynote Speakers (Thursday – Saturday)

Jean-Philippe Bourgouin, Saclay, France

Martin Bryce, Durham, UK

Christian Schönenberger, Basel, Switseralnd

Karsten Jacobsen, TU Denmark

Peter Wahl, MPI Stuttgart, Germany

Tutorial lectures (Monday – Wednesday)

Still open for suggestions


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The Netherlands

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