Tidal Evolution Research Review for Astrophysics (TERRA)


Snellius, Leiden
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Do you give permission to the recording, processing, saving and distributing of the recordings of the hybrid Lorentz Center Workshop: Tidal Evolution Research Review for Astrophysics (TERRA). To read all the terms and conditions please click here.


What are your main interests or areas of expertise in the field of tides?

Which open problems related to tides would you like to see discussed during this week?

Please provide an abstract of your talk, if you wish to give one

Items marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

If you are experiencing issues when trying to register please contact us: +31 71 527 5580 or info@lorentzcenter.nl

If you are experiencing issues when trying to register please contact us: +31 71 527 5580 or info@lorentzcenter.nl