Symplectic Dynamics Beyond Periodic Orbits 2022

15 - 19 August 2022

Venue: Lorentz Center@Oort

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The aim of this workshop is to focus on some of the most exciting recent developments at the interface of dynamics and symplectic topology concerning applications of symplectic topological methods to the dynamics of Hamiltonian systems beyond periodic orbits.

While in essence symplectic topological techniques, such as Floer theory, are ultimately based on periodic orbits or interactions between periodic orbits, these recent developments convincingly show that subtle dynamics information is accessible to symplectic topology and what we see now is only the beginning of the story. Very roughly and somewhat artificially, we can break down the recent results obtained in this direction and new methods into three groups: 

  • Dynamics of Pseudorotations
  • Invariant Sets and Ergodic Measures
  • Topological Entropy via Floer Theory

Tanja Uitbeijerse

+31 71 527 5542

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