Spin Caloritronics III

9 - 13 May 2011

Venue: Lorentz Center@Oort

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Description and aim

Spin caloritronics is about the physics and control of heat, charge and spin currents in structures, devices, and materials. This topic has been launched in 2009 at the Lorentz Center. The societal relevance of the topic is given by the imminent breakdown of Moore’s Law due to a thermodynamic bottleneck: further decrease in feature size and transistor speed goes in parallel with intolerable levels of Ohmic energy dissipation and heating associated the physical motion of electrons in conducting circuits. Spin Caloritronics provides possible solutions to these problems by employing the spin degree of freedom of the electron.

Several new and partly unpublished discoveries in the field of spin caloritronics excite the community, such as the spin (wave) Seebeck effect in and signal transmission through magnetic insulators, the spin-dependent Seebeck effect in magnetic nanostructures, the magnonic thermal Hall effect, giant Peltier effect in constantan/gold nanopillars, and experimental indications of the thermal spin transfer torque

A focused workshop on the topic is necessary because the field is at crossroads. The next couple of years will decide whether spin caloritronics will continue to flourish or vanish into oblivion. For the field to persist it is of utmost importance to come to a consensus about the microscopic mechanisms behind the new physics that has been unearthed in the past year by experimentalists. The success of the workshop should be measured by the results from the confrontation new experimental evidence with different physical pictures and theoretical models. The best example for such a necessity is the spin Seebeck effect in magnetic metals, insulators, and semiconductors.

The technological applicability of the spin caloritronics phenomena is another source of both excitement and controversy in the community. For example, magnetic insulators potentially offer not only new physics, but also new applications. The material dependence and engineering strategy to increase the figures of merits for electronic and thermoelectric applications urgently needs to be discussed. This Lorentz workshop will be a forum to support progress here.



Spin Chemistry Meeting 2011

The 12th International Symposium on Spin and Magnetic Field Effects

in Chemistry and Related Phenomena

15-20 May 2011 / Noordwijk - Netherlands

For more information, please visit the website:




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