Worldwide, an increase in the transgender and nonbinary (TNB) population is observed over the last decades, which also means that the population of 50+ TNB individuals is growing.
Part of this population receives gender affirming hormone treatment. Sex hormones are known to influence many aspects of our health such as cognitive functioning, cardiovascular health and psychosocial wellbeing. In addition, aging itself influences these health aspects as well. Besides, the aging TNB population often faces multiple obstacles in accessing healthcare, due to economic, social and geographical factors. Research in this specific population is still scarce.
Baudewijntje Kreukels will present what we have learned so far from research in older TNB individuals in the context of transgender healthcare with a focus on psychosocial well-being, cognitive functioning and cardiovascular health and will identify knowledge gaps.
Eveline van de Putte will take you on a journey through the life stories of transgender seniors, sharing their paths to happiness, the challenges they have faced, and their concerns about receiving appropriate care in healthcare settings such as senior homes. She will also talk about the experiences of elderly parents of transgender individuals, who, years ago, often struggled to understand what their child was going through.
When: Tuesday April 1st, from 17.00 to 18.00 hrs. From 18.00 to 19.00 hrs. there’s a chance to stick around and have a drink.
Where: Rijksmuseum Boerhaave, Lange St. Agnietenstraat 10, Leiden
Costs: free with a museum ticket, student card or Museumcard
You can register on the website of Boerhaave.
Baudewijntje Kreukels is a Full Professor at the Department of Medical Psychology and the Center of Expertise on Gender Dysphoria of the Amsterdam UMC, The Netherlands. She has received a master degree in psychology and did her PhD at the University of Amsterdam. Since 2006, her research focuses on the development of gender identity and gender incongruence, and the evaluation of care and treatment for gender incongruence and variations in sex development (differences of sex development, DSD). She is a principal investigator affiliated to the research institutes Amsterdam Public Health and Amsterdam Reproduction & Development. Current research interests include aging and effects of hormone treatment on cognitive function and psychological well-being, sexual health in people with gender incongruence and variations of sex development, and the neurobiological substrate of gender incongruence and its treatment.
Eveline van de Putte is writer and storyteller. She put the spotlight on queer seniors since 2010. She wrote ‘Stormachtig Stil’ (Roaring Silence), life stories of queer seniors and ‘Nieuwe Namen’ (New Names), life stories of transgender seniors. Besides books, she makes video portraits, podcasts about transgender seniors, and initiated Tour d’Amour for which she travels through the Netherlands and Belgium to create awareness for sexual and gender diversity: On November 21st 2024, her new book was presented: ‘Een zwaluw in de kamer, queer verhalen die je omarmen’. With this book she wants to raise awareness about lgtbiq+ matters in schools, by reading stories followed by dialoguing with students. That day, she received the Jo Visser Award, ook te zien op YouTube.
This public lecture is part of the workshop 'Evidence-based care for aging trans and non-binary people'.