Public lecture 'The neuroscience of the DMT experience'

31 August 2023

Venue: Public Lecture@Boerhaave

DMT is a psychedelic that has been used for thousands of years in ceremonial contexts. It has the ability to induce rich and immersive experiences of alternate realities and facilitate communication with entities or beings.

In this talk, Christopher Timmermann* will explore the latest scientific research on the effects of DMT on the brain and its potential to enhance our understanding of consciousness. Lastly, he will evaluate how these findings could be relevant to the potential use of DMT in the treatment of depression.

Thursday 31 August 2023, from 16.30 until 17.30 hrs.

Rijksmuseum Boerhaave, Lange Sint Agnietenstraat 10, Leiden

Attending the lecture is free with a museum ticket, when you have a student card/Museumcard etc. it’s free of charge.


Christopher Timmermann (PhD) obtained a BSc in Psychology in Santiago, Chile and an MSc in Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Bologna in Italy. He is currently a post-doc at Imperial College London at the Centre for Psychedelic Research, where he leads the DMT Research Group, specialized in the potent psychedelics N,N-DMT and 5-MeO-DMT and their effects in the human brain and consciousness. His empirical and theoretical work focuses on the neuroscience, psychiatry, psychology, pharmacology, beliefs and ethics of psychedelics, their relationship to consciousness and applications in mental health. His work has been covered in BBC, CBC, Wired, The Times, New Scientist, and is a columnist for Psychology Today. 

The lecture is part of the workshop 'Substance, Set & Setting, Medical, religious and other uses of psychedelics'which takes place at the Lorentz Center from 28 August to 1 September.



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