Public lecture "Animal testing – the Dutch transition"

5 October 2021

Venue: Public Lecture@Boerhaave

Animals are being used in research. This doesn’t sit well with society. It creates ‘unease’ to say the least. Polls show that ‘the public’ understand that animal research has its value in certain areas. They may not approve of it but condone it.

In 2017, the Dutch government started its program ‘Transition to animal free innovations’. The eyes of the world were on the Netherlands when the program was launched. “Had the Dutch gone mad?”. The program has just been extended.

Let’s talk about where we stand today and share views in this public lecture. 

Jan-Bas Prins is the Director of the Biological Research Facility of the Francis Crick Institute, London, and Professor of Laboratory Animal Science at Leiden University in the Netherlands and Honorary Professor of University College London. 

He is a member of the Netherlands National Committee for the protection of animals used for scientific purposes, Chairman of Laboratory Animals Ltd, member of the Scientific Committee of the Fondazione Guido Bernardini on Education and Training in Laboratory Animal Science, Vice-President of the Institute of Animal Technology, and an AAALAC ad hoc specialist.


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