Path Integration in Complex Dynamical Systems

6 - 10 February 2017

Venue: Lorentz Center@Oort

If you are invited or already registered for this workshop, you have received login details by email.

It is remarkable that a conceptual tool whose roots lie in the abstract foundations of quantum mechanics, namely in the superposition principle and unitarity, is nowadays successfully applied in a myriad of real-world systems found in natural and social contexts, particularly, when what is popularly known as complexity enters. The major challenge is to stimulate a cross-talk among researchers in so diverse fields. The aim of this workshop is to narrow this crosstalk gap by bringing together theorists and phenomenologists who actively use path-integral methods in their research, and via carefully selected lectures stimulate exchange of opinions and dissemination of new ideas and state-of-the-art applications. The workshop will cover modern topics in which path integrals play an indispensable or decisive role. A structural backbone of the workshop is given by four benchmark topics:

Econophysics and heavy-tailed systems Hard and soft condensed matter theory and biophysics Quantum gravity Foundational issues in natural and mathematical sciences

List of invited speakers: (* to be confirmed)

A. Abanov (USA) J.-P. Bouchaud* (France) F. Dowker (UK) K. Fujikawa (Japan) D.Garlaschelli (The Netherlands) M. Grifoni (Germany) G. Junker (Germany) J. R. Klauder (USA) R. Loll (The Netherlands) D. Oriti (Germany) P.  Ribeiro (Portugal) R. Rivers (UK) C. Schubert (Mexico) Q. Si (USA) A. Silvestri (The Netherlands) Q. Wen (USA)

Applications are welcome and should be made by using the application form on this web page. The number of attendees is limited. There is no registration fee for the workshop. In exceptional cases, funding is available to partially cover travel and accommodations expenses. Deadline for applications is December 20, 2016


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