Multiresolution Analysis of Global Internet Measurements

10 - 14 September 2001

Venue: Lorentz Center@Oort

If you are invited or already registered for this workshop, you have received login details by email.

Organizers: Andy Ogielski (Renesys Corporation) and George Cybenko (Dartmouth College).

Multiresolution Analysis of Global Internet Measurements

Multiresolution and aggreggation techniques lead to scalability, and scalability is at the core of large scale networking. The objective is to get closer to the goal of establishing a systematic foundation for new spatio-temporal, multi-scale techniques for Internet data representation and analysis, and from there to demonstrably scalable network and protocol designs.

The workshop focus will be equally on empirical data, and on new multiresolution concepts and techniques in modeling and analysis.

The speakers will give approximately one-hour lectures, each followed by a free discussion. By design, timing will be flexible so that hot (or hotly disputed) topics can get ample time, and all questions can be discussed.

·         Large scale Internet measurements - what and how is measured,

·         Network topology and routing analyses,

·         Multiresolution representations and analysis of traffic, topology, and other network data,

·         Multiresolution and graph-theoretic techniques.

After the workshop, we'll collect slides, links to people's projects, etc., and put them on a workshop proceedings website.

The workshop size is limited to approximately 25 participants in order to promote intensive discussions and collaborative work.


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