Many natural systems exhibit dynamics at different temporal (e.g. neural models) and spatial (e.g. vegetation patterns) scales. To study the dynamics of such systems multiple scale methods are typically employed. In this field, theoretical advancements and applications cross-fertilize each other: questions coming from applications lead to the need to develop new mathematical theory and methods or extend existing ones. On the other hand, the converse is also true with theory actually preceding the application. Therefore, the first aim of the workshop is to provide a dedicated focused platform for both theory-inclined and application-inclined multiple scales researchers. By providing this platform, the workshop seeks to facilitate meaningful discussions, knowledge and methodology sharing on state-of-the-art open problems, and ultimately, the establishment of new research collaborations between theory-inclined and application-inclined researchers.
If you want to join the workshop you did receive a personal invitation. For the symposium on Tuesday afternoon 14-18 o 'clock you can register via the register button on this website.