Multi-frequency EPR in the biosciences

25 - 28 May 2010

Venue: Lorentz Center@Oort

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In the last decades EPR spectroscopy has been developed to microwave frequencies well beyond the conventional frequencies of 9 and 35 GHz. Recently, sensitive spectrometers were realized at frequencies up to 360 GHz and magnetic fields up to 14 T, while experiments at even higher frequencies were performed in high-field laboratories. This resulted in largely increased spectral resolution and absolute sensitivity, so that hitherto inaccessible paramagnetic centers and transient reaction intermediates can be investigated over a large range of interactions and time scales. Multi-frequency EPR has become possible and may serve as a molecular stroboscope to identify, with atomic resolution, static and dynamic reaction partners and to observe in real time the dynamics of cofactors and substrates in their protein binding sites during the biological process.

The workshop aims at the cross-fertilization between (1) EPR experts with experience in bioscience and (2) biophysicists and biochemists interested in structure and dynamics of functional proteins. The workshop will be considered a success if, based on the exchange of the first results of a multi-frequency approach, we have been able to formulate a view on the future of EPR for the study of proteins in action and to define new co-operations. The latter aspect is important because the contribution that EPR can make to the biosciences depends heavily on the co-operation between EPR groups and biochemistry groups. Moreover, a multi-frequency approach in most cases requires a multi-laboratory approach.

The workshop will focus on the following subjects: Instrumental and methodological developments toward high-frequency EPR, spin-label and transition-metal multi-frequency EPR in the biosciences, and the study of the dynamics of spin systems at different time scales using different microwave frequencies.     

The workshop lasts four days. The number of participants is limited to about 50.

Lectures will in part be given by invited speakers. Participants are asked to submit abstracts of presentations. Of those accepted, some will be chosen for oral presentation, others for poster presentation. There are two specific poster sessions, which allow ample time for informal discussion. Posters will be on permanent display during the workshop. Long coffee/tea intermissions are planned to allow further discussions. There will be two long, structured discussion sessions (Perspectives of spin-label multi-frequency EPR in bioscience, and Perspectives of transition-metal multi-frequency EPR in bioscience).


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