Description and aim
The goal of the workshop is to find new ways to use mathematical structures for cryptographic applications.
Very successful existing examples of such mathematical structures are given by RSA and elliptic curves, which your browser uses nowadays to set up a secure connection with online banking and other web-based services. A promising recent example is the use of lattices in fully homomorphic
encryption: a form of encryption where untrusted parties can compute properties of encrypted data without learning the content of the original data. This is becoming more and more important with the rise of online ‘cloud’ services.
Algebra, number theory and algebraic geometry have been a fertile source of suitable structures (RSA, lattices, elliptic curves, abelian varieties), and this workshop aims to bring together researchers from the cryptography and mathematics communities to work towards the goal mentioned above.
In addition to talks by cryptographers and mathematicians, the workshop will include ample time for informal discussion and interactions. The talks will include mathematics that is currently in cryptographic use, open questions, and new ways to use mathematical structures for cryptography.