Mathematical Facets of Crystallization

8 - 12 September 2014

Venue: Lorentz Center@Snellius

If you are invited or already registered for this workshop, you have received login details by email.

The workshop concentrates on the mathematical theory of crystallization. More precisely, we focus on four topics that are closely connected with crystallization, and approach these topics from different mathematical angles. These four topics are:

1. Spatial symmetry breaking at positive temperature

2. Crystallization and surface effects at zero temperature

3. Metastability of continuum particle systems

4. Elasticity and quasi-crystals We expect participants from analysis, statistical physics and probability.

Our primary goal is to discuss the different approaches towards crystallization in these disciplines.


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Niels Bohrweg 1 & 2

2333 CA Leiden

The Netherlands

+31 71 527 5400