Jointly designing a data FAIRPORT

13 - 16 January 2014

Venue: Lorentz Center@Snellius

If you are invited or already registered for this workshop, you have received login details by email.

This Data FAIRPORT Lorentz workshop will have as its major outcome a blueprint 'floor-plan' and scoping of a safe and fair Data Stewardship, Trading and Routing environment, provisionally called the Data FAIRPORT. Assuming that a number of key partners decide that this is a feasible approach, the environment will be built with the guiding metaphor of a real airport, but will be an exemplar Virtual Research Environment. It will likely be built in a Public Private Partnership (organization structure will be part of the discussions) and allow all services pertaining to the entire Data Stewardship cycle to be offered and executed.

A core facility (the 'Central Hall') will be the publication environment for fully open and interoperable data for public use. In addition, private and proprietary data will be supported, both for private formatting to make the data interoperable with the 'central format' and also 'fair trading' of these data and the associated expertise. The workshop will bring together key stakeholders to form the initial consortium shaping the first Data FAIRPORT. All elements needed for version 1.0 of this Virtual Research Environment will be scoped and detailed in expert working groups with full appreciation and participation of recent key and successful international data interoperability efforts.


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