All workshops

Diversity of Rocky Planets 2022

5 - 9 September 2022 @Oort

Dennis Höning, Lena Noack, Nicola Tosi, Daphne Stam, Francesca Miozzi, Yamila Miguel

Astronomy, Earth Sciences
Boosting (sub) seasonal forecasts with Explainable AI

5 - 9 September 2022 @Snellius

Dim Coumou, Daniela Domeisen, Maurice Schmeits, Jakob Runge, Michael Scheuerer

Environmental Science, Earth Sciences, Computational Sciences
Image is Everything

12 - 16 September 2022 @Oort

Kit Windows-Yule, Giulia Finotello, Kay Buist, Kianoosh Taghizadeh, Jonathan Seville

Medical Sciences, Physics, Applied Sciences
Music beyond fixity and fluidity; preservation and performance as instauration

12 - 16 September 2022 @Snellius

Peter Peters, Hannah Bosma, Denise Petzold, Floris Schuiliing

Sociology, Philosophy, History, Arts and Literature
The 25 ‘Great Challenges’ in Archaeology through an ABM Perspective 2022

19 - 23 September 2022 @Online

Maja Gori, Michael Roos, Izabela Anna Romanowska, Marc Vander Linden

Anthropology, Archeology, Computational Sciences, Economics, Geography, History, Informatics and Computer Science
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