All workshops

Accelerating the Understanding of Rare Events

6 - 10 September 2021 @Oort

Peter Bolhuis, Christoph Dellago, Gerhard Hummer, Jutta Rogal

Chemistry, Computational Sciences, Physics
FAIR Data for the ‘Long Tail of Science’

6 - 10 September 2021 @Online

Antica Culina, Cees Hof, Erik Matthysen, Marcel Visser

Earth Sciences, Environmental Science, Life Sciences, Computational Sciences
Planet-forming Disks: From Surveys to Answers

13 - 17 September 2021 @Online

Giovanni Rosotti, Feng Long, Alessandro Morbidelli, Paola Pinilla, Carsten Dominik

The 25 ‘Great Challenges’ in Archaeology through an ABM Perspective

13 - 17 September 2021 @Snellius

Maja Gori, Iza Romanowska, Marc Vander Linden

Economics, Geography, History, Informatics and Computer Science, Anthropology, Archeology, Computational Sciences
Best Practices & Tools for Diffusion MR Spectroscopy

20 - 24 September 2021 @Oort

Chloé Najac, Clémence Ligneul, Francesca Branzoli, Marco Palombo, Julien Valette

Applied Sciences, Technological Sciences, Life Sciences, Medical Sciences
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