All workshops

The Language of Cooperation: Reputation and Honest Signaling

2 - 6 September 2019 @Oort

Daniel Balliet, Francesca Giardini, Karoly Takacs, Szabolcs Számadó, Eleanor Power

Computational Sciences, Life Sciences
Ensemble Forecasts in Space Weather: Science and Operations

2 - 6 September 2019 @Snellius

Sophie Murray, Jordan Guerra, Eelco Doornbos

Astronomy, Physics
Unifying Vocal Learning

9 - 13 September 2019 @Oort

Vincent Janik, Constance Scharff, W. Tecumseh Fitch, Sonja Vernes

Life Sciences
MACODA: Many Criteria Optimization and Decision Analysis

16 - 20 September 2019 @Oort

Boris Naujoks, Robin Purshouse, Michael Emmerich, Dimo Brockhoff

Informatics and Computer Science
SHARD: Bridging the Gap Between Software and Hardware Security

23 - 27 September 2019 @Oort

Lejla Batina, Herbert Bos, Mauro Conti, Yanick Fratantonio, Veelasha Moonsamy

Informatics and Computer Science
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