All workshops

International Software Architecture PhD School (iSAPS)2022

6 - 9 June 2017 @Oort

Paris Avgeriou, Philippe Kruchten, Patricia Lago

Informatics and Computer Science
Emerging Topics in Network Dynamical Systems

6 - 9 June 2017 @Snellius

Christian Bick, Eddie Nijholt, Bob Rink

Re-enactment, Replication, Reconstruction

12 - 16 June 2017 @Oort

Sven Dupré, Anna Harris, Maartje Stols-Witlox, Julia Kursell, Patricia Lulof

The Mental Lexicon

12 - 16 June 2017 @Snellius

Marc Brysbaert, Dirk Geeraerts, Nicoline van der Sijs, Isa Maks

Computational Sciences
Aperiodic Patterns in Crystals, Numbers and Symbols

19 - 23 June 2017 @Oort

Carlo Carminati, Alex Clark, Robbert Fokkink, Tom Schmidt, Cor Kraaikamp

Mathematics, Physics
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