All workshops

A Disorder of Emotion Regulation: Alexithymia

1 - 4 May 2017 @Oort

Michiko Kano, Sander Koole, Olivier Luminet, Dalya Samur

Life Sciences, Sociology
Cross-Scale Resilience in Socio-Ecological Simulations

1 - 4 May 2017 @Snellius

GĂ©raldine Abrami, Bruce Edmonds, Eline de Jong, Christophe le Page, Gary Polhill, Nanda Wijermans

Computational Sciences, Life Sciences
Python in Astronomy

8 - 12 May 2017 @Oort

Daniela Huppenkothen, Abigail Stevens, Stuart Mumford, Erik Tollerud, Kelle Cruz, Matt Craig

Astronomy, Computational Sciences
Matter over Antimatter: The Sakharov Conditions After 50 Years

8 - 12 May 2017 @Snellius

Jordy de Vries, Kaori Fuyuto, Ubirajara van Kolck, Rob Timmermans

Perspectives on Developmental Robotics

15 - 19 May 2017 @Oort

Lorijn Zaadnoordijk, Matthew Schlesinger, Matthias Rolf, Johan Kwisthout

Computational Sciences, Informatics and Computer Science, Life Sciences
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