Galaxy Evolution in the Cosmic Web

18 - 22 March 2019

Venue: Lorentz Center@Snellius

If you are invited or already registered for this workshop, you have received login details by email.

The aim of the workshop is to discuss how to best study, both observationally and theoretically, the interplay between the cosmic web and galaxy evolution. A galaxy’s environment affects its evolution: compared to the average galaxy, those residing in high density areas have systematically older stellar populations, lower star formation rates, and different morphologies. In the past decade, large surveys of galaxies with ground-based telescopes have cemented the existence of these environmentally-dependent differences, but the physical mechanisms by which galaxies are altered as they enter dense environments have not yet been conclusively identified and we do not know where and when (over cosmic times) different processes dominate. The meeting will address this by both characterizing the stellar and gaseous contents of galaxies over time and by focusing on studying galaxies in filaments, the site where many galaxies first encounter a dense environment.


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