Future and Emerging Mathematical Technologies in Europe

11 - 15 December 2017

Venue: Lorentz Center@Oort

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Aim and Description

The current and future technological and economic development of the industrial Europe is characterized by a steadily growing complexity of modern products and processes, as well as ever shorter innovation cycles. Principal issues which must be addressed are the scarcity of resources, recycling, climate change, assessment of the risks to the environment and society, as well as increased automation and a holistic view of the life cycle of a product. 
The long-term and sustainable solution to these problems is only possible through an intensive support of the development procedures of new products and production processes via a holistic mathematical Modeling, Simulation and Optimization (MSO) approach, where in each case parallel to each product or process a virtual product or process (the digital twin) is generated. 
On this basis a simulation of functionality and design, as well as of long-term effects and risks, one is able to design optimized products and sustainable process controls. In addition to the classic areas of mechanical and vehicle engineering in which a modularized and component- based development on the basis of mathematical models is already established, this approach is also essential in the development of Industry 4.0 as a key technology and a decisive competitive advantage. This procedure also plays a central role in all other fields of science, economy and society and the aim must be to strengthen the leading position of Europe in this system- oriented approach. 
Success of the above mentioned approach relies heavily on the further advancement of Mathematical Technologies. Mathematical Technologies play already an essential role in almost all areas of industrial and societal relevance. As numerous success stories show, Mathematical Technologies, in particular Modelling, Simulation and Optimization tools, provide real and production processes, analysing data, enabling virtual prototyping of new products and reducing costs. Mathematical Technologies find application in a wide range of scientific and technological fields, and it is expected that in the coming years, with the increased use of technology and availability of ever more powerful high performance computers, the impact of MSO tools will become even more significant.

There is a clear need to bring together the existing European National Networks of Research Centres for Industrial and Applied Mathematical Technologies, to ensure a common effort towards one main and shared objective: providing the industrial and scientific communities with a single coordinated and comprehensive infrastructure for Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Optimization, and resulting research programs.

Goals and objectives

The workshop is organized under the auspices of EU-MATHS-IN – a European Network of Mathematics for Industry and Innovation. This network is a collaboration of national organizations from 17 European countries. The promoting partners of EU-MATHS-IN are the European Mathematical Society and the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry.

The primary objective of the meeting is to discuss success stories and share experience and best practices of organizing collaborative research projects with industry, as well as to discuss and brainstorm about joint future activities. One of the major obstacles to be addressed is the low visibility of mathematical technologies in European programs. We will also discuss measures facilitating awareness about existing expertise in Europe and knowledge transfer.


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