First WE Heraeus – Lorentz workshop in February 2025

The proposal ‘Superconductivity in symmetry-broken and low-dimensional systems’ has been selected as the first WE Heraeus – Lorentz workshop.

The workshop is proposed by:

Mazhar Ali, TU Delft

Semonti Bhattacharyya, Universiteit Leiden

Remko Fermin, University of Cambridge

Francesco Giazotto, CNR Nano

Nicola Paradiso, Universität Regensburg

Heng Wu, TU Delft

and will take place between 10 February - 14 February 2025 at the Lorentz Center.


Citing from the evaluation: “This is a very good and timely proposal with a clear focus, namely finding the overarching challenges of the three sub-communities in the field of superconductivity in symmetry-broken and low-dimensional systems."  and "Interesting project to make a YouTube video about the Lorentz workshop to connect with non-specialised audience and the interaction with Boerhaave museum to plan a science history lecture. Science and society exemplary in this proposal!”


In January 2024, the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus-Foundation and the Lorentz Center started a collaboration. In this framework one or more workshops will be organized at the Lorentz Center, within the area of physics (in the broadest sense).



The WE Heraeus – Lorentz workshop is fully funded by the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus-Foundation. This funding includes hotel and lunch to all participants and travel refunds for selected participants. 


We congratulate the authors of the winning proposal and are looking forward to organizing this exciting workshop. Further, we extend our thanks to thank all the other applicants for participating in this call.



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The Netherlands

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