Financial support


The Lorentz Center covers a substantial part of your workshop costs. This is made possible by the financial support that we receive from both Leiden University and the Dutch Research Council (NWO).


Regular funding
The support we provide for regular Lorentz Center workshops consists mainly of in-kind support, including: the venue and facilities, social events (welcome reception, workshop dinner), beverages and cookies in the breaks, a workshop poster, organizational support, and support developing the proposal and program. The total costs of these services amount to roughly 25-30 k€. 


In 2024/2025 the Lorentz Center can grant at most 10% of its successful applicants an additional ‘refund budget’ to cover travel/hotel/lunch expenses for some of the workshop participants (25 €/participant per day of workshop). We would like to make sure that the limited budget is used where it is most needed; i.e. workshops with high urgency in under-resourced fields. Please let us know in your application if you have no access to alternative funding sources and you cannot host the workshop without this additional support.


We encourage all our applicants to check whether it is useful and possible to complement the support provided by the Lorentz Center with external funding. In this way, you may be able to support more of your participants’ expenses.*


Note that we stimulate our participants to travel sustainably, and do not refund flight tickets for travel distances less than 500 km (See our webpage Travel sustainably).


Basic funding
Sometimes the Lorentz Center will offer basic funding instead of the regular funding. Basic funding covers in-kind costs as above, except workshop dinner and poster.  Any other costs need to be financed with external funds secured by the scientific organizers.


The two main reasons for granting basic funding are [1] the nature of the workshop; for instance closed meetings for already-established groups or consortia or workshops carried out within large grants with funding for workshop (e.g. ERC advanced) and [2] workshop proposals that have been well-evaluated, but fall just below the cut-off for workshops we can support with regular funding, but that we still have manpower to support.


Diversity fund
The Lorentz Center can allocate a small budget to support the expenses of participants eligible for the Diversity Fund. Please check this page for more information.


*For your inspiration, we have listed the organizations that have funded Lorentz Center workshops: list of funding sources from the past.



Follow us on:

Niels Bohrweg 1 & 2

2333 CA Leiden

The Netherlands

+31 71 527 5400