Fact, Fake, and Fiction

5 - 9 February 2024

Venue: Lorentz Center@Snellius

If you are invited or already registered for this workshop, you have received login details by email.

Fact, Fake and Fiction 

The aim of the workshop is to bring together ongoing research that is closely related to the analysis of the distinction between mis- and dis-information and the dissemination of dis-information, to survey where studies overlap and the topics that are not covered, and to develop a long-term research project or cooperation.

The readings that are shared among the participants can be found on a research drive (password protected). LINK: https://universiteitleiden.data.surfsara.nl/index.php/s/Sn9sKtp93FlQpJo

See also:

Leonelli, S. and Lewandowsky, S. (2023) The reproducibility of research in Flanders: Fact finding and recommendations - KVAB Thinkers’ report 2022. KVAB Standpunt 81. ISBN 978 90 656 921 91. Report originally written and available in English, reviewing the whole debate: https://kvab.be/en/standpunten/de-reproduceerbaarheid-van-het-onderzoek-vlaanderen-feitenonderzoek-en-aanbevelingen

Leonelli, S. (2023) Philosophy of Open Science. Elements series. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Open Access. https://www.cambridge.org/core/elements/philosophy-of-open-science/0D049ECF635F3B676C03C6868873E406


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