Extreme Physics, Extreme Data

13 - 17 January 2020

Venue: Lorentz Center@Oort

If you are invited or already registered for this workshop, you have received login details by email.

The aim of this workshop is to bring plasma physicists, astrophysicists and data scientists together to work on understanding the emerging statistical and data challenges in understanding extreme high energy density physics. The field is in the process of entering the regime of being data dominated in the way that astronomy has over the last ten years, and particle physics many years before that. The advent of high shot-rate, high power laser facilities, as well as the capacity to do hundreds of millions of simulations with exascale computing is leading to a need to understand uncertainty, and to leverage machine learning and modern algorithms to get the most out of our data in the coming decade.

Fundamental Problems:

INFERENCE: How do we accurately quantify uncertainties on physical inferences from data? SYNTHESIS: How do we combine data from different sources, or extrapolate results from one source to another e.g. to future larger facilities, or to astrophysical scale plasmas? DESIGN: How can we use algorithms to design experiments?

The workshop will focus on the application of modern statistical techniques, machine learning and algorithmic approaches to experiments and astronomical observations around the world probing the physics of the highest temperatures and pressures. This is a research area that lies at the intersection of astrophysics, plasma physics, and particle physics - researchers in these areas all have a shared interest in getting the most information out of their HEDP data.


    Monday January 13

    09:30-10:30       Registration

    10:30-10:45       Welcome by Lorentz Center

    10:45-11:00       P. Hatfield Talk Inference, Synthesis & Design Session Chair: C. Palmer

    11:00-11:30       D. Mariscal Talk Problems in HEDP

    11:30-12:00       G. Lapenta Talk Space Weather Prediction and Exascale Computing


    12:00-13:30       Lunch@ Snellius restaurant


    Key Statistical Methods

    Session Chair: J. Kirschner

    13:30-13:50       J. Gaffney Tutorial Talk Machine Learning and Bayesian Statistics

    13:50-14:10       M. Kasim Tutorial Talk Optimization Methods

    14:10-15:00       Lightning Talks

    15:00-15:30       Coffee and tea break

    15:30-16:30       G. Anderson Discussion What do we want to get out of the week?

    16:30-17:00       D. Mariscal Summarize / Drafting

    17:00-                Wine and cheese welcome party


    Tuesday January 14


    Session Chair: L. Antonelli

    09:00-09:30       L. Roso Talk Science at the Center for Pulsed Lasers with High Repetition Rate Lasers

    09:30-10:00       T. Nagayama Talk Statistical analysis of Z stellar opacity data

    10:00-10:30       Coffee and tea break

    10:30-11:00       B. Kettle Talk Turning Light into Matter

    11:00-11:30       C. Shneider Talk Machine Learning in Heliophysics

    11:30-12:00       J. Citrin Talk Reduced Models for Tokamak Turbulence


    12:00-13:30       Lunch@ Snellius restaurant


    Key Issues in Uncertainty Quantification

    Session Chair: K. Bennet

    13:30-14:00       M. Kasim Talk Inverse Problem Instabilities

    14:00-14:30        G. Anderson Talk UQ in Deep Learning

    14:30-15:00       M. Fajardo Talk

    15:00-15:30       Coffee and tea break

    15:30-16:30       Parallel Sessions

    16:30-17:00       S. Mangles Drafting Summary of UQ Methods


    Wednesday January 15

    Experiment Design

    Session Chair: G. Sarri

    09:00-09:30       V. Gopalaswamy Talk Tripling Yield with Algorithms

    09:30-10:00       M. Martin Talk Automatic Design of Opacity Experiments

    10:00-10:30       Coffee and tea break

    10:30-11:00       M. Migliorini Talk Machine Learning Pipelines with Modern Big Data Tools for High Energy Physics

    11:00-11:30       P. Hatfield Talk Automatic Design of ICF Experiments

    11:30-12:00       M. Streeter Talk Active feedback laser pulse shaping


    12:00-13:30       Lunch@ Snellius restaurant


    New Algorithms and Computing for Design

    Session Chair: T. Goffrey

    13:30-14:00       J. Kirschner Talk SwissFEL and Bayesian Optimisation

    14:00-14:30       L. Peterson Talk Next-gen algorithms & HPC

    14:30-15:00       Lightning Talks

    15:00-15:30       Coffee and tea break

    15:30-16:30        S. Rose Discussion Optimal Use of Exascale Computing

    16:00-17:00       Summarize / Drafting

    17:00-17:30        Departure by bus to workshop dinner

    17:30-21:30        Workshop dinner, Boat on Kaag Lakes

    21:30-22:00        Bus back to Central Station, Lorentz Center and Hotel


    Thursday January 16

    Synthesis of Models and Data

    Session Chair: P. Knapp

    09:00-09:30       K. Humbird Talk Transfer Learning in ICF

    09:30-10:00       J. Gaffney Talk Model Calibration in ICF

    10:00-10:30       Coffee and tea break

    10:30-11:00       M. Macdonald Talk Multiple Diagnostics in HEDP experiments

    11:00-11:30       S. Basegmez Du Pree Talk Cosmic data mining in Space

    11:30-12:00       C. Palmer Talk Lab Astro with 10Hz Lasers


    12:00-13:30       Lunch@ Snellius restaurant


    Synthesis Challenges

    Session Chair: M. Martin

    13:30-14:00       B. Kustowski Talk Correcting Simulation Bias in Multi-Modal Data Using Transfer Learning

    14:00-14:30       V. Hafych Talk Application of Parallel MCMC Sampling for Proton Bunch Analysis in the AWAKE Experiment

    14:30-15:00       Lightning Talks

    15:00-15:30       Coffee and tea break

    15:30-16:30        Parallel Sessions

    16:30-17:00       J. Ruby Summarize / Drafting


    Friday January 17


    Session Chair: C. Shneider

    09:00-09:30       S. Ali Talk Using experimental uncertainties to build uncertainty-aware equations of state for extreme conditions

    09:30-10:30       J. Gaffney Wrap Up Discussion

    10:30-11:00       Coffee and tea break

    11:00-12:20       Drafting

    12:20-12:30        P.Hatfield Talk Concluding Remarks


    12:30                   Lunch@ Snellius restaurant


    Please login to view the participants information. You have received the log in details in your registration confirmation.

    Elena Rossi, Leiden University  

    Gemma Anderson, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory  

    Peter Hatfield, University of Oxford  

    Jim Gaffney, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory  

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2333 CA Leiden

The Netherlands

+31 71 527 5400