eScience Center - Lorentz Competition

Each year, the Netherlands eScience Center and the Lorentz Center invite researchers to join the eScience Center – Lorentz competition. The workshop should bring together researchers and experts from the academic community and the public/ private sector.

The winner will organize a workshop at the Lorentz Center@Snellius in Leiden, the Netherlands.


This year the focus is on: Innovation in Digital Heritage Research (Call 2024 is closed!)

How we experience our cultural heritage is shifting from passive observation to active, interpretive engagement. This evolution reflects a broader trend; as cultural heritage increasingly encompasses both digitally born and digitized works, the cultural sector is confronted with an ever-growing number of challenges, including curation, digitalization, interpretation and exhibition of digital artifacts. At the same time, these processes interact and intersect with traditional methods of studying and preserving heritage. Those challenges bring about new opportunities for research on and scientific use of digital heritage, from texts and images to videos and artifacts.


We invite researchers and digital heritage professionals to join efforts with Research Software Engineers (RSEs) from the eScience Center to seek digital breakthroughs using large (national) collections and infrastructures. Technologies addressed include 3D modeling, digital twinning and virtual reality; the workshop can also serve as a platform for exploring topics like big data and semantic web technologies related to digital heritage.


What we seek

  • an innovative research problem that takes us beyond current boundaries
  • a need for research software expertise
  • an open and interactive format, with few lectures
  • at least one scientific organizer based within and one outside the Netherlands
  • at least one scientific organizer from academia and one from the public/private sector


What we offer

  • a 5-day workshop for up to 25 people
  • support by eScience Center RSEs, with relevant expertise, equivalent to 0.3 FTE
  • travel and accommodation reimbursements
  • no registration fees or other organizational costs
  • professional organizational support, under the philosophy ‘you do the research, we do the rest’



  • announcement selection of shortlist before 23 May 2024
  • if selected for this shortlist, you’ll submit a full application via the Lorentz Center application portal by 21 June 2024
  • final decision mid-July 2024
  • peer review process: review and feedback by the competition review board; final decision by the Lorentz Center and Netherlands eScience Center directors



Pablo Lopez-Tarifa
Programme Manager Netherlands eScience Center


Tanja Uitbeijerse 
Program coordinator Lorentz Center



eScience Center - Lorentz Competition winners



A Time Warp in Digital Chemical Discoveries
Titus van Erp, Norwegian University of Science and Technology 
Peter Bolhuis, University of Amsterdam
Rosa Bulo, Software for Chemistry & Materials
Roberto Covino, Norwegian University of Science and Technology 




Modeling the Formation of Respiratory Aerosols
Chantal Darquenne, University of California 
Stavros Kassinos, TU Delft
Stefan Hickel, TU Delft
Anna-Carin Olin, University of Gothenburg
Wilbur de Kruijf, Thaerapy BV



The Dietary Digital twin (DDtwin)
Ilja Arts, Maasstricht University
Natal van Riel, TU Eindhoven
Lydia Afman, Wageningen University
Alwine Kardinaal, TiFN
Ronald Visschers, TiFN
Sarah Berry, King's College




Digital Bastards for a Climate Resilient Delta
Femke Vossenpoel, TU Delft
Stef Lhermitte, TU Delft
Rolf Hut, TU Delft
Marjolijn Haasnootu, Deltares
Xiaoxiang Zhu, Technische Universität München


Boosting (sub) seasonal forecasts with Explainable AI
Dim Coumou, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Maurice Schmeits, Royal Netherlands Meterological Institute (KNMI)
Daniela Domeissen, ETH-Zurich
Jakob Runge, DLR Institute of Data Science
Michael Scheuerer, Norwegian Computing Center


Previous eScience Center - Lorentz Competition winners

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Niels Bohrweg 1 & 2

2333 CA Leiden

The Netherlands

+31 71 527 5400