Dutch Molecular Electronics Workshop 2005

31 March 2005

Venue: Lorentz Center@Oort

If you are invited or already registered for this workshop, you have received login details by email.

The yearly workshop aims at bringing together physicists and chemists interested in the electronic properties of molecular materials. The first meeting of this series was held on March 4th 2004 in Delft. The emphasis of the workshop will be on transport, electronic, and optical properties of organic crystals, conjugated polymers, single molecules, nanoparticles, and other molecular materials. The workshop will cover both experimental and theoretical aspects of molecular electronics.

The following speakers already accepted to give talks on the following subjects:

Prof. Maarten Wegewijs (Institut für Theoretische Physik RWTH Aachen)

Vibration-assisted tunneling through single-molecules: competing orbitals & charge-induced vibrational frequency change

Prof. André Gourdon (CEMES, Toulouse, France)

Molecular landers as prototypes of single molecular devices: Synthesis, Conformation, Conductance, Surface restructuring and Contact

Dr Jascha Repp (IBM Zurich)

STM of organic molecules on insulating NaCl surfaces

Prof. Jan van Ruitenbeek (Leiden)

Simple molecules as benchmark systems for molecular electronics

Dr Albert Schenning (Eindhoven)

Towards supramolecular electronics

Prof. Peter Bobbert (Eindhoven)

Charge transport in highly ordered and highly disordered organic-electronic materials

Prof. Thom Palstra (Groningen)

Title to be announced

Attendance by students and young scientists is strongly encouraged. A poster session will be arranged during lunch- and coffee-breaks. If you and/or collaborators plan to attend, please register on the website of the Lorentz Center:


Looking forward to an exciting workshop,

J. van den Brink

M. Orrit


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The Netherlands

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