"Do Smart Devices Make Us Less Smart?"

25 June 2023

Venue: Public Lecture@Boerhaave

What is the long-term impact of technological advances on human cognitive abilities? Cultural narratives and recent scientific investigations have painted a mostly negative picture.

However, the versatility and accessibility of digital technologies means that they shape the interplay between technology and human cognition in multiple ways.

In our lecture, we highlight the need to attend to issues like temporary versus long-term impact, cognitive versus motivational influence, and how we think about cognition. As strictly internal processes or as the dynamic interplay between internal processes and external tools?

We show implications of this for both research and society, reinforcing the importance of users’ self-control and raising questions about what should be assessed in educational testing.
(This work is a collaboration with Lorenzo Cecutti and Spike W.S. Lee)


When: Sunday 25 June 2023 from 16.30 until 17.30 hrs.

Location: Rijksmuseum Boerhaave, Lange Sint Agnietenstraat 10, Leiden

Attending the lecture is free with a museum ticket, when you have a student card/Museumcard etc. it’s free of charge.



You can register for this lecture on the website of Boerhaave.



 Anthony Chemero is Distinguished Research Professor of Philosophy and Psychology at the University of Cincinnati, and a primary member of both the Center for Cognition, Action, and Perception and the Strange Tools Research Lab. 

 His research is both philosophical and empirical; typically, it tries to be both at the same time. His research is focused   on questions related to nonlinear dynamical modeling, ecological psychology, complex systems, phenomenology, and artificial life.

 He is the author of more than 100 articles and the books 'Radical Embodied Cognitive Science' (2009, MIT Press) and, with Stephan Käufer, 'Phenomenology' (2015, Polity Press; second edition, 2021).

He is currently writing a book tentatively titled 'Intertwinings: The embodied cognitive science of self and other' (Columbia University Press).



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