27 - 31 October 2008

Venue: Lorentz Center@Oort

If you are invited or already registered for this workshop, you have received login details by email.


Description and Aim

DIAMANT (Discrete, Interactive and Algorithmtic Mathematics, Algebra and Number Theory)

and GQT (Geometry and Quantum Theory) are two mathematics research clusters funded by NWO/OCW.

This week will bring together researcher from both clusters for a variety of activities.

On Mon/Tue/Wed, there will be a Problem Session. The style is roughly that of the Studygroup Mathematics with Industry, but the problems now arise from Mathematics and Physics themselves, rather than from applications. Participants can send in problems. We strongly encourage problem submission by physicists, too. Problems should be sent to one of the organizers by email a.s.a.p.

Selected problems will be presented on Monday and then groups of people

are formed that work on one of the problems. The infrastructure of the Lorentz Institute,

with computer facilities, white boards and common rooms, is very suitable for such an activity. 

On Wed, there will be a parallel meeting aimed at Dutch mathematics teachers,

where "Wiskunde D modules" developed by Dutch mathematicians will be presented and discussed.

On Thu/Fri, there will be a two-day Symposium.

This will include a wrap-up of the problem sessions, and one hour talks by some keynote speakers.

The rest of the slots will be filled by talks by Postdocs and PhD-students.

If you are an invited participant/cluster member, you can submit a proposal for a talk

by sending an email to one of the organizers by 30 September.

Keynote Speakers: Irene Bouw (Ulm), Lisa Carbone (Rutgers), Ravi Vakil (Stanford),

Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace (IHES) and Bert Gerards (CWI)

Registration: participation is by invitation only.

The first 25 invitees to register will receive a reimbursement of hotel costs.


Follow us on:

Niels Bohrweg 1 & 2

2333 CA Leiden

The Netherlands

+31 71 527 5400