Data, Personalization, and The Law 2023

4 - 8 December 2023

Venue: Lorentz Center@Oort

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The Digital Legal Lab, in collaboration with the Lorentz Center, organises a workshop titled “Data, personalization, and the law 2023” that will take place from 4 to 8 December 2023 in Leiden, the Netherlands.

The main objective of the workshop, aimed at early career researchers active (broadly) in digital technologies and regulation, is to do a deep dive into regulation and policy of digital technologies and to build a strong network of scholars to further develop Digital Legal Studies, an emerging field of scholarship that aims to advance the understanding of how digital technologies interact with law and justice in various sectors.

The interdisciplinary programme, which will be delivered in a format of a ‘winter school’, covers topics related to how digital technologies like algorithms, big data analytics, and automated decision-making affect individuals, markets, and society, and how regulatory regimes are catching up with the technological changes. Concretely, during the workshop, it will be analysed how digital technologies challenge decision-making related to diverse public values, in particular fundamental rights, and how regulation is shifting from the more conventional approaches of regulating human behaviour to governing data. In addition, it will be explored how to use data analytics technology in a meaningful way to make sense of legal data and analyse legal processes in a data-driven way. Lastly, the participants reflect upon the main research themes and identify future avenues for research.

This workshop is co-funded by Digital Legal Studies research initiative, through the Law Sector Plan of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW), and is organised with support of Leiden University and the Dutch Science Foundation (NWO).


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The Netherlands

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