Coronographic Methods for the Detection of Terrestrial Planets

2 - 6 February 2004

Venue: Lorentz Center@Oort

If you are invited or already registered for this workshop, you have received login details by email.

Scientific Organizing Committee:

C. Aime (U Nice)

R. Brown (STScI, Baltimore)

C. Dumas (JPL, Pasadena)

M. Fridlund (ESTEC, Noordwijk)

A. Greenaway (U Edinburgh)

A. Quirrenbach (U Leiden)

D. Rouan (Obs. Paris Meudon)

W. Traub (SAO, Cambridge, MA)


Inform European scientists about status of coronograph studies in the US

Identify European scientists who are working / would like to work on coronographs

Identify European companies with specialized knowledge that may be useful / needed

Identify opportunities for US-European collaboration

Write a comprehensive report to ESA on the status and near-term prospects of the field Topics (limited to terrestrial planet detection):

Scientific rationale for coronography (towards a Science Requirements Document)

Physical limitations of coronography

Systems aspects (mission concepts)

Wavefront sensing

Wavefront correction (DM technology, control)

Primary mirror technology

Pupil shapes

Coronographic techniques

Mask production technology

Concepts to reduce the inner working angle

Systematic approaches to coronograph design

Scientific scope (e.g. relation mirror diameter – inner working angle – number of stars)

Coronograph modeling and simulations

Meeting format:

Limited number of participants (by invitation only, up to 50)

Offices with computers for participants are available

Overview presentations / break-out groups / writing assignments


Identify editors responsible for each chapter

Each participant to provide one-page document on topic of his/her choice

Schedule: Mon am:

Welcome and introduction of participants

Three introductory presentations, plenary (each presentation by one US and one European)

-          Scientific benefits of coronography

-          Coronograph design space

-          Critical technologies for coronography

Mon pm:

Synthesis of one-page documents, break-out groups, 4-8 people each

Mon evening:

Wine and cheese reception

Tue all day:

Presentation and discussion of group results

Wed all day:

Write chapters for report (break-out groups)

Wed evening:

Social event

Thu am:

Review chapters of report (plenary)

Thu pm:

Finalize chapters of report (break-out groups)

Fri am:

Prepare executive summary, discuss next steps (plenary)


Report (20 pages??) on status of coronographic concepts and techniques for the detection of terrestrial planets, detailing prospects for work that can be done in Europe without much funding, and for US-European collaborations


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