Complex Dynamic Interactions: Synergies between ABM and QCA

- Rescheduled -

25 - 29 January 2021

Venue: Lorentz Center@Snellius

If you are invited or already registered for this workshop, you have received login details by email.

Agent-based modeling (ABM) as a methodology can easily integrate information on causality from various sources of knowledge, but building causal mechanisms into representing complex adaptive systems requires a heavy load of theoretical and empirical information. Multiple case studies, especially when designed and analysed with the use of qualitative comparative analysis (QCA), are one of the important sources of information about causality in real-life complex systems. However, as a standalone methodology, QCA cannot answer research questions regarding the emergence of phenomena in complex systems. Until now, no good practices of combining QCA and ABM have been documented. The workshop aims to contribute to the development of innovative mixed-methods designs combining these two methodologies (i.e. QCA and ABM), as the combination is fruitful to address scientific & real-life research questions about causal effects. Networking scholars and practitioners specialising in these two methodologies to explore the possibilities of integration of the two methodological approaches offers (a) novel research designs exploring causality and (b) development of practical guidelines needed in responding to ambitious research challenges outlined by granting institutions. To achieve that, invited participants will be working in small groups on real life examples of studies combining the two methods.


    Monday 25 January

    Intro & Context

    09:0010:00 Registration and coffee
    10:0010:15 Welcome by the Lorentz Center
    10:1510:30 Introduction by the organizer and Icebreaker 2
    10:3011:00 Coffee and tea break
    11:0012:30 Presentations of relevant research
    12:3014:00 Lunch break
    14:0015:30 Presentations of relevant research
    15:3016:00 Coffee and tea break
    16:0017:30 Tutorial QCA and Turial ABM
    17:3019:00 Wine&Cheese welcome reception

    Tuesday 26 January

    Working with multiple cases

    09:0010:30 Keynote 2, Icebreaker 3
    10:3011:00 Coffee and tea break
    11:0012:30 Working groups
    12:3014:00 Lunch break
    14:0015:30 Working groups
    15:3016:00 Coffee and tea break
    16:0017:30 Integrative session
    17:3018:00 Buffer
    18:0019:30 Dinner

    Wednesday 27 January

    Combining methods

    09:0010:30 Keynote 2, Icebreaker 3
    10:3011:00 Coffee and tea break
    11:0012:30 Working groups
    12:3014:00 Lunch break
    14:0015:30 Working groups
    15:3016:00 Coffee and tea break
    16:0020:00 Workshop dinner

    Thursday 28 January

    Methodological perspectives

    09:0010:30 Keynote 3, Icebreaker 4
    10:3011:00 Coffee and tea break
    11:0012:30 Working groups
    12:3014:00 Lunch break
    14:0015:30 Working groups
    15:3016:00 Coffee and tea break
    16:0017:30 Integrative session + setting agendas for further cooperation
    17:3018:00 Buffer
    18:0019:30 Dinner

    Friday 29 January

    Moving forward

    09:0010:30 Working group presentations + Q&A
    10:3011:00 Coffee and tea break
    11:0012:30 Presentations discussions + integrative session
    12:3014:00 Lunch break
    14:0015:30 The other method mini-lecture, conclusions and prospects
    15:3016:00 Coffee and tea break
    16:0017:30 Integrative session + setting agendas for further cooperation
    Please login to view the participants information. You have received the log in details in your registration confirmation.

    Benoît Rihoux, University of Louvain  

    Barbara Vis, Utrecht University  

    Bruce Edmonds, Manchester Metropolitan University  

    Patrycja Antosz, University of Groningen  

    Timo Szczepanska, UiT – The Arctic University of Norway (University of Tromsø)  

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