Cavity enhanced spectroscopy –Recent developments and new challenges

2 - 6 November 2009

Venue: Lorentz Center@Oort

If you are invited or already registered for this workshop, you have received login details by email.

Description and aim.

Cavity enhanced spectroscopy is an ultra sensitive spectroscopic technique based upon direct absorption of narrow or broadband radiation. Many different detection schemes have been designed in the last decade and applications range from astrochemistry and combustion to trace gas detection in medical and environmental applications.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together both senior researchers and the next generation of users and to discuss critically recent developments in the field of cavity enhanced

techniques as well as their applications.

The meeting begins with a 2-days Winterschool aimed at PhD students and postdocs starting to use cavity enhanced detection schemes in which basic concepts are treated in detail as well as a number of different applications. The workshop continues with a program comprising invited and contributed talks, industrial participation, and also the new book on cavity ring down spectroscopy (release in September 2009) will be presented by the editors. In the program much time is reserved for discussions and exchange of ideas.


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