Astronomy in Europe: An Evolving Collaboration

21 - 23 January 2008

Venue: Lorentz Center@Oort

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Europe is in the special situation of the co-existence of a European and National Astronomical Societies. The particular situation of Europe and how it is coming together requires such a coexistence.

It is obviously important to coordinate the activities of the European Astronomical Society (EAS) and the national (Affiliated) societies in order to maximise the benefits for European Astronomy as a whole and for astronomical research in the individual countries. This means that the respective positions and tasks of the main players have to be well defined.

With this in mind, the EAS wishes to start an increased dialogue with its Affiliated Societies and invite the Affiliated Societies to a face-to-face meeting. The aims of the meeting are to:

i) exchange information of what role the Affiliated Societies currently play at a national and European level,

ii) discuss the role of the EAS, now and in the future,

iii) promote collaboration between National Societies, on a regional as well as European basis,

iv) design a model of cooperation between the EAS and Affiliated Societies which optimises the interaction and information flow between astronomers in the member states on the one hand, and pan-European institutes on the other,

v) work towards a Memorandum of Understanding which defines how the EAS and Affiliated Societies by working together can increase their effectiveness and visibility.


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